Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Make It About What It's About

An idea I heard at the Stephen Quiller workshop I took 2 summers ago was, 'make the painting about what it's about'.  To me, this meant, identify the main idea of the painting and emphasize that.  A few days ago I posted an image, Cascade.  When I lived with that image I came to realize that the main idea was the interplay of the colourful tree and the more muted background.  A lot of the original image, particularly the left side of the painting wasn't really adding anything to the painting.  This cropped version of that image is, I feel, much stronger.

For information about this or any other painting contact me.



  1. I agree the tree really stands out proud and profound. Nice !

  2. Thanks for the comment. I think it's a much stronger composition like this. I have to credit my wife with guiding me to see it this way.


  3. I love how you used the negative space in the tree!

  4. Thanks Renee. Nice to hear from you.
