Friday, March 18, 2011

Grey Owl

I'm really excited by this portrait.  It's the first portrait I've ever done in the opaque acrylic style.  It was a culmination of all the stuff I've been reading and practicing so just to have it work out was a big moment.  I think the main thing is that I had a process clearly in mind and just went at it one step at a time.  I'm including the first stage which was where  the difference in the opaque  approach was really evident.  No more thinking in a watercolour manner and building things up and preserving the whites.  I just got the whole surface covered in various darks.  After that it was just a matter of refining it.

Grey Owl
acrylic on paper
8.5" X 11"


  1. In reviewing your past 6 or seven pictures it is really interesting to see how you have grown into this latest Grey Owl. You have captured not just the image but the character of the fellow. There is something in those eyes. It just brings tingles up and down arms. Well done. Keep up the great work. You are very inspiring. Susan

  2. Hey thanks for that comment Susan. I sure feel inspired.
