Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How To Add Comments

I've heard that some people are a little confused on how to post a comment on this blog. It's actually quite simple. You need to click on the 'comments' link at the bottom of the post and you will be taken to a new page where you can see the blog entry and there is a text box where you can add your comment. Below the text box is a 'comment as' drop down menu. You need to choose one of the options there. If you have a google account you can use that. You may need to sign in to your google account. If you don't have a google account you can sign up for one which is very easy. I've also enabled the option to comment as 'anonymous' which means you don't need to sign it at all. The comment is labeled as anonymous so it would be very nice if you put your name at the end of the comment so I'll know who is commenting.

Commenting is the life blood of this whole blogging process so I hope you will leave one.




  1. change my life forever.amf.

  2. This is a great site. Thanks for all the great advise at coffee today.


  3. Hi Brian:

    Glad you visited. Thanks for the comments. You should try it yourself especially after Doug Swinton's comments on your painting.

